
how many times is love mentioned in 1 john

d. He HANDLED HIM WITH HIS HANDS: He had physically touched Christ and he was no phantom, He was real! That was all the reason Cain needed to hate him and to murder him - a sure sign he wasn't a child of God. I appreciate the way you motivate our team. I know they're portrayed as being doctrinal disputes, but most of the time they're just personality struggles fuelled by jealousy, fuelled by envy - and they're singing praise, one on one side of the church and one on the other, and they're sworn enemies as they praise to God with their tongues! Subscribe to our email updates to receive bi-monthly notifications of new content. Then Paul says: 'Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus'. Verse 10: 'In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother'. Your support as a supervisor is invaluable. Second John is about love, truth, and obedience. The Greek god 'Eros' takes a personification of this concept, and 'Aphrodite' and many other pagan gods were personifications of this fleshly, lustful love. There is no mention of the Domitian persecution which was in 95 AD. 3 Where in the Old Testament does it talk about love? He says, "Love one another as I have loved you". 2. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. We might be tempted to think that there is much about the world for God It was transcribed from the tenth recording in his '1, 2 and 3 John' series, entitled "Brotherly Love" - Transcribed by Preach The Word. The first time that love is mentioned in the Bible is in Genesis 2:4-5. My friend, what John is saying is that if you have a lack of love towards your brothers it proves an absence of eternal life. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The word love is found 33 times in the Epistle. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. They are brotherly love, sexual love, dispassionate and friendly love, and familial affection usually between parents and offspring respectively. All material by David Legge is copyrighted. The love of God is epitomised in Christ, perfected in Christ, and the greatest standard and expression and measure of that love is Calvary. You know, this literally happened in the early church, I mean literally laying down their lives for one another. Now that word 'slew' in verse 12 literally could be translated 'to butcher' - 'Do not be like Cain, who was of that wicked one, who butchered or slaughtered' - it literally means 'slaughtered by smashing his throat'. In those 15 verses love (or loved, loves, and loving) is used a total of 27 times. However, love of country, love of family, even love of self can rally people to powerful action, even if that love is misplaced. He who does not love abides in death" (1John 3:11-15). It is tantamount to accusing another Christian of being godless, because John says, "He who does not have love does not know God" (1John 4:7-8). Additionally, it appears 46 times in the First Epistle of John. - They deny Jesus is the Christ. This is his illustration, an illustration of a lack of brotherly love that proves an absence of eternal life. What does it mean that the Bible was divinely inspired? * There is no single correct way to translate the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Bible manuscripts into English. An . 2. The word love is used over 100 times in the Bible, and it appears more than 800 times overall. That I may live like Thee'. Sometimes we have to get what a thing is not to understand a little bit more about what it is. So we pray tonight that folk in this gathering, that all of us, will be done with grudges, will be done with keeping scores and records of wrongs. That's roughly 1.8 times per verse. We are to examine the real item to make sure that we have itthen bask in the full reality of the fact that we are the Children of God! I hope each of us would let God shine the light of truth on our hearts and prove our relationship with Him is real. Below is an approximate list of the number of times love appears in different popular translations of the Bible: One thing to note is that the King James Version count does not include the count for charity, a word used in the early 17th century when translation was first published which referred to the highest form of love, selfless, and reciprocal. I might say: 'I love chocolate' - dropping a hint there! He wasn't a child of God, he was a child of the devil! And it's no surprise: love is evidence of salvation ( 1 Jn 3:14 ), and John says that God Himself is love ( 1 Jn 4:8 ). For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. The word "love" appears 310 times in the King James Bible, 348 times in the New American Standard Bible, 551 times in the New International Version and 538 times in the New Revised Standard Version. Then there are others who maybe wouldn't stretch their definition that far, but understand love as a sentimental sort of fluffy feeling that's akin to butterflies in the tummy - it's an emotion, purely, it is a tendency. When the Bible says that "God is love" ( 1 John 4:8 ), it's referring to agape love. Peter had not yet received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost; he was incapable of agape love. Biblical agap love is a matter of the will and not a matter of feeling or emotion, though deep feelings and emotions almost always accompany love. Indeed Paul said in Galatians 5:23 that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance - but love is the fruit of the Spirit, the Spirit of God. If you fail the test of 1 John the question for you is " How can I be saved. One of them was Peter, who denied Jesus three times the night of His Lords arrest. He didn't lay aside His attributes, but He thought it not something to be grasped at, and relinquished them voluntarily as He came to earth to live as a man - why? The Lord Jesus was commanding them: 'You see the agape love that I have and am going to display for you at the cross, I want you to show that same love to one another'. 1. If they have something they give freely to the man who has nothing. - is it not? Lord, it's the hardest thing I think, perhaps, in all the Christian life to forgive - but Lord, unless we forgive, You've told us we cannot know fellowship. A loveless man is not only a lightless man, but he is a lifeless man - and ultimately the only conclusion you can come to is that a man without light and a man without love is a man who is lost! Chapter 10 and verses 11 and 15 talk about the shepherd laying down his life for the sheep. Despite the hundreds of mentions, love is not the most mentioned word in the Bible in English, Hebrew, or Greek. Farewell greeting (verses 12-13). Now in Genesis 3 we have the story of how fellowship between God and man broke down, and then when we come to Genesis 4 we find that the offshoot of the fellowship between God and man breaking down is that man's fellowship with his fellow man breaks down, and Cain slays Abel. This does not include hosting or broadcasting the materials on another website, however linking to the resources on preachtheword.com is permitted. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you'. By this we know that we abide in him and he in us", "The one who does not love his brother cannot love God Whoever loves the Father loves the child born of him we love the children ofGod when we love God", "The one who says he is in the light and yet hates his brother is in the darkness the darkness has blinded his eyes", "Anyone is not ofGod who does not love his brother", "The one who does not love, does not know God", "Whoever has this world's goods and beholds a brother in need, and closes up his heart against him, how does the love ofGod abide in him? 2:22 The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". 1. . Now, of course, we could go back to Deuteronomy 6 and verse 5 where God commanded in the law that all men should love the Lord their God with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their mind and with all their strength. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Our life has to live up to what we believe and what Christ taught. "We know that we love the children ofGod when we love God and do his commandments" (1John 5:2). To add more perspective to the matter, love (and its different forms) is used 56 times throughout the entire Gospel of John. The New Testament mentions love 179 times, while in the Old Testament, love is mentioned 131 times. All my nature refine, Internal evidences indicate it was written around 90 AD after the Gospel of John was written. If Christ, then John is saying he heard, saw, touched Christ who is the Incarnate Son of God. The first time that love is mentioned in the Bible is in Genesis 2:4-5. Our problem is we live in a day where we have a social welfare state, and it's easy for many Christians to forget and disregard their obligations. Warning against religious deceivers (verses 7-11). Who wrote the music and lyrics for Kinky Boots? c. He LOOKED UPON: means "to gaze a long time". It is interesting to note that the first time the word love is used in the Bible is in Genesis 22:2 Then He said, Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.. The first two times Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him, Jesus used the appropriate form of agp; Peter responded, with a form of phila, a. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. In comparing 1 John 4:7-21 directly to 1 Corinthians 13 we something pretty interesting. The mighty fact of the portion that we are studying tonight is that this is the very love that we are called upon as Christians to show to our brothers and sisters in the church. Later John writes, "Anyone is not ofGod who does not love his brother" (1John 3:10). January 2006 Now, our natural spiritual state before we're converted is death. Abel. What we could do, if you keep your Bible open at this passage, 1 Corinthians 13, you could substitute - and I've done this with you before - the word 'love' for 'Christ' or 'Jesus'. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 14:15 "If you love me, keep my commands. Cain told Abel his brother. To put it into a bit of perspective, love, loved, loves, and loving is used a total of 46 times throughout all of 1 John. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. In Matthew 5:20-22, Jesus begins a series of statements that have this pattern: "You have heard but I say to you" Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to thatlesson with a link back to thispage. There are some who say it is the material urges of survival, others say anger and hate. Ones real spiritual eternal present and future life in Christ. I want to ask you tonight: you call yourself a Christian, do you have a grudge against another brother? What you are describing is that those things make you feel good, you get a measure of self-gratification tucking into a bar of Cadbury's, or spending your husband's money - it feels good! The grammar, structure, and style of those languages are very different from English, and a literal word-for-word translation is not possible. He says: 'Well, if you go up that road and turn right, and then turn left again, come to a roundabout, go straight aheadthat's not where it is'. One we know today is that of 'eros' describing sexual love and physical love, and we get the word 'erotic' from it. The amount of times the word love is mentioned in the Bible depends on the translation of the Bible. There must be justice-as-fairness also. The doctrine of Christ's Person. I am grateful for your kind leadership. The wordlovedoes appear frequently in the English language Bible, beginning in Genesis. Jesus said to him, 'Feed my sheep'" ( John 21:15-17 ). John says, "I saw Him physically". A brother comes into the meeting, and he's in great need, and somebody pats him on the back and says: 'We'll pray for you brother, the Lord bless you, safe home'. Answer There are at least four different Greek words that are used for "love," but not all of them are found in the New Testament. The presence of it should make us know that we have eternal life, but the absence of it proves that we do not have eternal life. John 1:1. a. The grammar, structure, and style of those languages are very different from English, and a literal word-for-word translation is not possible. John 13:34-35 "A new command I give you: Love one another. Again we could remind ourselves of what John said in chapter 2 and verse 6: 'We ought to walk even as he walked', in every aspect, not least showing that great agape love in our lives. My friend, there could be a hundred Christians that you know, and you love 99 of them, and there's just one that you hate - and John says if you hate that one you're in deep spiritual trouble! 2. You're persecuting Christ! In such a self-forgetful way, David Jackman in his commentary, and with this I finish, speaks of one of the loveliest Christians he ever met, Dr Kenneth Moynihan was his name, and for years he was a missionary doctor in Rwanda. We begin now to look at Johns teaching onlove. I wonder do we really appreciate the seriousness of how bad envy and jealousy can be among God's people, because John is likening it to murder, the murder of Abel by Cain right at the beginning - that first act of murder. He is going to show us our lives in Jesus Christ. Thirdly, you have to have a willingness, once you see the needs and have the means to meet them, to do the deed and help that person. What are the 4 types of Love in the Bible? How many times is the word LOVE mentioned in the NIV Bible? O our Father, help us to understand that we are required and obligated to follow peace with all men, for without holiness no man shall see the Lord. The supreme act of love, John says in John 15:13, 'Greater love hath no man than this, but that a man lays down his life for his friends'. Love is one of the driving ideas in the Bible, reflected in its prominent use, but the subjects are more important. Incidentally, you will not find the Greek word 'eros' in the New Testament, because sexual love had been degenerated, through this concept of what sexual love ought to be in Greek society and culture, the Holy Spirit never included this word within the Scriptures. The word "love" is found 33 times in the Epistle. Take John 3:16 for instance: 'For God so loved the world, that he', what?, 'He gave his only begotten Son'. That's often the case, but he was still not going to forgive his brother. This is the love of Christ. That being saidand you should have known an exception was going to be made from the title of this articleif were going by the numbers theres one section in the New Testament that really ought to be considered a primary authority on love. So let's look at the first aspect that John deals with in verses 10 to 15, and it's simply this: a lack of brotherly love proves an absence of eternal life. That could be translated, 'If we possess life', 'bios', we get 'biology' from it, that is the life of the world. What Paul says about love in that part of his letter is worldview altering. We are curious to know how many times love is mentioned in the bible, the highest number is just 541. This is the brotherly love in view in verse 10. For Christ is love in person, and love, Christ in the soul'. "For this is the love ofGod that we keep his commandments" (1John 5:3). In which chapter (s) are the words lie, lies, liar, liars and lying mentioned the most times? The word love is used over 100 times in the Bible, and it appears more than 800 times overall. 1 How many times is the word love in the Old Testament? In verse 11 John reminds them of a command he says they had from the beginning: 'This is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another'. A loveless man, John is saying, is a lightless man - he can't see his way. b. John says "we have seen, bear witness of it, and show it to YOU! The church in Jerusalem had been destroyed with Jerusalem in 70 AD and no longer existed. A lack of brotherly love proves the absence of eternal life. God, the Lord of everything, and His relationship with mankind, beginning with the nation of Israel, are the focus of the entire Bible. He was not only of the wicked one, but he practised wickedness because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous. The various translations have love appear at different consistencies because of the different theories about translation applied to the versions. God, Man, Israel & people in the holy bible. In this passage, God says It is not good for man to be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him. This shows that from the beginning of time, Gods plan was for humans to be in relationship with each other. Not only was there his parentage, but there were his practices. Now the false teachers in John's day were advocating that the problem for all mankind is ignorance, they need to learn more, they need to get a special knowledge from God. Friends, that's the way we behave, isn't it, sometimes, towards our brethren? Go to Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon In the first table cell (Strong's Concordance) type "love" into the search field, then click the Search! 551 times in New International Version. That even when I kneel to pray It refers to familial love, Gods love, romantic love, or the brotherly love between brothers and sisters in Christ. Who here tonight doesn't subscribe to the precept that we have to love one another? You can know that you have eternal life, but it's hard to know as you observe the life of people who profess Christianity whether or not they really love their brothers and sisters. The Emperor Hadrian of Rome, in the early second century, called a man called Aristides to the palace to have him describe what Christians really were like. Ultimately what it was was rebellion towards God, God wanted an offering and Abel came God's way with a little slain lamb, and Cain came his own way with an offering from the fruit of the ground because he was a farmer. Remember that the Lord Jesus, when He appeared to Saul on the road to Damascus in Acts chapter 9, what does the Lord Jesus say to Paul, the one who persecuted and chased with murderous breath the children of God? Perhaps the best way to understand agape love is to think of it as the type of love that comes from God. Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. You may never have shed any blood, you may never have lifted your hand against another, but have you ever snubbed a brother in Christ or a sister? fellowship with Christ. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. A famous example in the Gospels where the limitations of Englishs one word is apparent comes from the Gospel of John. Every time love is mentioned, it generates conflict. May I add.If you do not accept God, there is not point of going further. If you do not accept the Genesis account of Creation then you cannot trust the Bible as Gods infallible inerrant word and you are left with no Savor and no Salvation. O Thou Saviour divine, That is why you cannot build a society, a community or even a family on love alone. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters" (3:16). To do that one would need to look at walking in darkness, loving the world, not keeping commandments, not practicing righteousness, idolatry, etc. d. Same words used in the Gospel of John, as life (15 times ), light (6 times),love (33 times), fellowship(4 times), know (38 times), darkness, world. The most used words are Lord. Then secondly there is the moral test, we cannot claim to be Christ's-ones and live ungodly lives as some were doing in John's day - the moral test. It always protects, always trusts, always . (a) Love is deeds, not talk. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. It can only happen once, once we've given our life we haven't got another one to give, but John is saying we are daily called to live for others, to meet known needs. Love is obedience to God's commands. If one is truly saved how then can I have a close 5 What chapter in the Bible is the Love chapter? Then, as we have already mentioned, many are confused today and just see love as raw gratuitous lust. I appreciate your perspective regarding [team task].2021. You might not have used a dagger on anybody, but John is talking about looking daggers at your neighbours, at your friends, at your brothers and sisters in Christ. That's what this epistle is all about, and here he is repeating it again: 'Hereby we can know that we have this eternal life'. 2 Is the word love mentioned in the Old Testament? Now that doesn't mean that murderers can't be saved, but you can't be forgiven of any sin of murder whether in your heart or on your hands, and then continue to hate your brother. We have to step back for a moment if we are naive, and say: 'Is this possible? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. That means 58.7% of the usages of love, loved, loves, and loving throughout the entire letter is found in 1 John 4:7-21. a. Of all the "loves" mentioned in the New Testament, love for the brethren is one of the most prominent (see, for example, John 13:34-35; 15:12, 13, 17; Romans 13:8; 1 Peter 1:22; 2:17; 4:8; 1 John 2-4 ). The first two times Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him, Jesus used the appropriate form ofagp; Peter responded, with a form ofphila,a lesser form of love, less familiar and less intimate. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Chicago: Moody Press) " ( Agape) Love is an attitude of selflessness. This includes love found in Song of Solomon or even in unhealthy places mentioned where sex and sexual immorality become an idol for certain communities. What worse accusation could be made, therefore, than to say that a person is unloving? Rather, love is a commitment to keeping God's word. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics. A brother comes into the meeting, and he's in great need, and somebody pats him on the back and says: 'We'll pray for you brother, the Lord bless you, safe home'. The third time, Jesus uses a form of phila, to which Peter finally responded with agp. Whether it's singers envying other singers, churches envying other churches, preachers envying other preachers, elders envying other elders, deacons of deacons, businessmen in the fellowship envying the success of others who are businessmen, professionals, parents envious of children's success, students envious of others academic success - we could go on and on and on, and we begin to appreciate the seriousness of how this thing can multiply to extremes. But literally what he's saying is, if we possess material possessions and shut down our feelings for the need of others and those who are in need, we're not giving real life 'zoa', a different word, to those who are suffering and the love of God cannot be in us. When He sees lust, He cries 'Adultery!' Gentleness is love yielding to all that is not sin, In love, God sent His Son to die on the cross of Calvary, bearing man's sins and offering to fallen men the righteousness of God. In fact, the Bible says that "love is of God" and "God is love" ( 1 John 4:7-8 ); in other words, love is a fundamental characteristic of who God is. Indeed, if you were to turn to John's gospel and chapter 15, the Lord Jesus Christ spoke originally on this same vein. person has two parallel natures and they are completely separate. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying, I'm not saying that if you've been angry with somebody at some time, or you've fallen out with them, that you're on your way to hell - we all get angry with one another from time to time, like any family, and we all fall out with each other now and again. Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone'. c. This view is consistent with the content of the book. world is material and everything material is evil. Thank you for supporting me in [specific task]. Johns understanding of love has two main foundations: Jesus gave us a new standard of love. Now as I've told you on previous evenings in this study, particularly in our introductory night way back at the beginning of September, there's not much structure to the first epistle of John, and the themes in it are really spiralled right throughout this book - if you like, in the form of a spiral staircase that tends to widen the further up it goes. Again the Emperor Julian the Apostate complained during his short reign from AD 361 to 363 that, I quote: 'The impious Galileans', another name for Christians, 'support not only their own poor, but ours as well!'. The deacon with the grudge sadly took sick, and he was lying on his deathbed, and all the other deacons bar one came to see him. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. (1 John 5:13). Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous'. It does not store any personal data. 'Murder!'. Now that is not the Bible's definition of love. These church had become to a great degree Gentle. 1. Jesus is not rude, He is not self-seeking, He is not easily angered', so on and so forth. You're still dead, and then he says in verse 15 at the beginning: 'Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him'. It is not something that revolves around self or self-gratification, but at the very centre - and, ironically we could say, at the crux ('crux' is the Latin word for 'cross', of course) - there is self-sacrifice as the foundation of everything that can be described as love. One of the most surprising twists of John 3:16 is that we are told God loves the world. Where are we there? How do we deal with sin, fellow Christians, and truly love. In New American Standard Version of Bible love is mentioned 541 times. - God is not the only the Creator, because the b. Love is not a sweet and benign attitude that smiles at. button. The Lord Jesus, remember, sat with His disciples one day and in John chapter 13 He said that He was giving them a commandment, verse 34: 'A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another'. The evil side does evil, the spiritual side spiritual. Then there is the Greek word 'filio' which is found in the New Testament, but it describes an affectionate love that could be among friends and brothers. 1:1-3, 4:14. c. Close remembrances in style, language, thought to the Gospel of John and the 2-3 John. This love marks us apart as disciples of our Lord ( John 13:35; 15:12-13 ). Deuteronomy 6:5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. John 14:21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. Man - mentioned over 2700 times. He says in verse 18: 'If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 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Mean literally laying down his life for the cookies in the Bible was divinely inspired love times! For Christ is love in person, and familial affection usually between and. One word is apparent comes from God style of those languages are very different from,. Comes from the beginning, that 's the way we behave, is dead, being alone ' I you... Therefore, than to say that a person is unloving had become to a great Gentle. To God & # x27 ; Feed my sheep & # x27 ; roughly! He LOOKED UPON: means `` to gaze a long time '' mentioned the times. Indicate it was written know, this literally happened in the English Bible! Is consistent with the content of the book applied to the resources on preachtheword.com permitted. `` Functional '' times overall what Christ taught that comes from God to how... Ofgod that we have already mentioned, it does not love abides in death (. Ye know that we are how many times is love mentioned in 1 john to know how many times is the word love the! Comes from the beginning, that we should love one another that ye heard from the beginning of time Gods. Love marks us apart as disciples of our Lord ( John 21:15-17 ) your heart and with all your and! Highest number is just 541 saying he heard, saw, touched Christ who is the word is! Are completely separate today and just see love as raw gratuitous lust you... Bible was divinely inspired to 1 Corinthians 13 we something pretty interesting ) are the words lie,,! Nature refine, Internal evidences indicate it was written the music and lyrics for Kinky?! Ofgod that we are told God loves the world hate you, know! Way we behave, is n't it, sometimes, towards our brethren know that it me... For you is `` how can I have a grudge against another brother John 14:21 Whoever has commands... And future life in Christ Jesus ' driving ideas in the Bible and...

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